Monday, April 30, 2012

World Cruise - Day 59 - Mar 11 - At Sea

Sunset was unremarkable this morning due to lots of clouds.  It’s now 7:15a (sunrise was 6:54a) and the sun is still nowhere to be seen.  Given the cloud cover, we may only see it sporadically today.  The weather has changed to quite a bit cooler today with a high of 63 degrees.  Tokyo (tomorrow) is supposed to be a high of 53 degrees and partly cloudy.  Normal average high for this time of year would be 48 degrees, so a bit of an upgrade.  This was the best I could do with the sunrise:
Sonia, yes, the performer’s name really is Bayne Bacon—or at least that’s what he said?  His line was: “Really, this is my real name…why would I make this one up?”
Patti, yes, I see all of your comments, since I get an e-mail every time someone posts along with the contents of the comments.  I knew you would like the Appaloosa question.
Today is Sunday and we are at sea, so that means Sunday Brunch:
They have a pasta station with two different types of pasta—penna pasta and angel hair pasta.
There was a meat carving station with both turkey and roast beef as well as salmon.
They have all sorts of meats and cheeses off to the side.
I love this table—great breads, cheeses (including a walnut stilton that is wonderful), walnuts, apricots, dates and figs.
Dessert table with the ice sculpture in the middle.
At afternoon trivia (which we won with 14 out of 20), someone noticed that there was a rainbow outside, so I ran out to take some pictures.
The rainbow was so close and so wide I couldn’t get it all in one frame.
This was my second photo trying to get it all in one frame.
This is the left side of the rainbow.  It looked like it touched the water just a few hundred feet from our ship on both ends.  I mentioned to Dan that it was make a great panorama photo, so he did this:
He stitched together two of the photos in Photoshop to get the full panorama effect.  Thanks, Dan!
Here are the trivia questions we missed:  What does a gelotologist study?  Laughter (we put bones).  What is someone with dysphasia having difficulty doing?  Swallowing (we put focusing).  What sport has buckle bunnies as groupies?  Rodeo (we put boxing).  What predominantly female sport has jammers, pivots and blockers?  Roller derby (we put volleyball).  What is the left hand page of an open book officially called?  Verso (we put inset).  What breed of dog is German for “splash in water”?  Poodle (we put schnauzer, sorry Coco).  Other tough questions that we got:  What type of liquor filled thermometers before mercury?  Brandy.  What Prime Minister of the UK was nicknamed Bambi?  Tony Blair.  Where are you if the grass is green and the girls are pretty according to Guns & Roses?  Paradise City.  What kind of fish is in a unagi roll?  Eel.  How far is a click for a soldier?  1 kilometer.  What animal is associated with the astrological sign of cancer?  Crab.  Golden Razzie awards recognized the worst of what?  Movies.  What is both a type of makeup and a type of rose wine?  Blush. 
End of the day saw a beautiful sunset with the islands of Japan directly below the sunset.
The evening entertainment was a magician/sleight of hand performer that was on a few nights ago.  We went to be early to get ready for Tokyo tomorrow.
***Please note: I am sending this out late due to not having any Internet access yesterday.  We are now in Tokyo, had a fabulous day, sitting in the terminal where there is free wifi, but will not be able to send out my Tokyo update before we leave.  So the Tokyo update will go out when I next have Internet access.  If you don’t see an update, it’s because I don’t have Internet access.

1 comment:

  1. Great sunset pic! It's super that you have gathered all these pics. I hope you do something special with the sunrise/sunset pics someday.
    The rainbow was neat. Never seen a rainbow where you could actually see both ends of it!
