Monday, April 30, 2012

World Cruise - Day 79 - Mar 31 - Phuket, Thailand

We did a Bible study and video sermon, then went to see some of the area around Phuket.  Krissie loves animals, so I tried to work in some more animals today.  Today the animals in most of my photos are monkeys, both tame and wild.  We were greeted by a couple dressed in a traditional Thai outfit at the pier:
Lots of different sights on the road along the way.  Coconuts are a staple local food:
Phuket is an island in southwestern Thailand.  We drove across the island to the west side of the island to this lookout point:
I saw a small lizard that I tried to photograph nearby:
A little better closeup:
Our group that traveled together today—me, Krissie, Jim and Pat Wilcox and Roberta and Dennis Beckman:
We then went to a local place that offered elephant treks:
Jim and Pat and Dennis and Roberta did a trek, since they had not done one before (and we had already done one a few days ago in Laem Chabang):
Got this pic of a local boy gathering some food for the elephants:
This family lived on the elephant trek trail:
Krissie discovered the monkeys while I was off photographing our elephant trekkers and asked me to come over to take some photos:
The littlest monkey was quite attached to Krissie, quite literally:
He was very curious, reminded us of Curious George:
He loved climbing all over Krissie and really enjoyed playing with her:
Krissie was having a lot of fun with him:
Then a bigger monkey came out and introduced himself to Krissie with a handshake:
…then he politely bowed, a traditional Thai greeting:
Krissie got a kick out of his bow:
Krissie got a posed shot with the bigger monkey:
One of the medium sized monkeys, not the prettiest creatures I’ve ever met:
Then Krissie was feeding them some bananas, which got them all pretty happy:
The big monkey made his bow when he saw that Krissie had a banana for him:
He was very thankful and Krissie enjoyed feeding all of them:
The little monkey just kept coming back for more loving:
You can see two of the middle sized monkeys literally stuffing their faces with the banana while Krissie is in the background still playing with the baby:
Krissie and the baby became great friends:
Then Krissie offered him a drink out of her water bottle:
Dennis came back from his trek and was immediately greeted by one of the monkeys, who liked his hat:
The little monkey seemed to like his tennis shoes:
Pat got a delousing by one of the monkeys, who eventually certified her as lice free:
We went up near another overlook and caught this pic of a little girl talking on a cell phone.  OK, she was only listening, but it was a live call and there was a person talking to her:
When we came back a little later, she was being rocked to sleep in a hammock.  I got this pic before she put her head down to go to sleep:
Krissie at lookout point #2:
Then we got to feed the wild monkeys in the mountain jungle, which was pretty wild.  Krissie was a little afraid of them, but did eventually give some bananas out to them:
I was able to feed this mother with a baby hanging on to her tummy:
More photos on Phuket tomorrow, I still have more, just tired and ready for bed.  We have a sea day tomorrow (#1 of 2 on our way to Chennai, India), so the extra photos will spice up my sea day posting.

1 comment:

  1. The monkeys are also a favorite of mine too. I found one on our last cruise in Roatan that I spent time loving on while the others were doing the zip lining. Love Krissie's new dress. Which stop did she buy that?
