Monday, April 30, 2012

World Cruise - Day 14 - Jan 26 - At Sea

Internet is still highly unstable.  I was able to get a few minutes of connection last night, but it is down again this morning.  We woke early due to the time change, gained an hour last night.  When I take pics, I usually take several (sometimes 10 or more) of the same scene, then review the photos on my laptop to see which one to keep for the blog.  This morning I took some pics of the sunrise and came down to the final two best photos.  Usually when that happens, I review them with Krissie and ask her which one to keep.  This morning she liked this one the best:
And I liked this one the best:
I also took this pic of a ship in the distance, it looks like it may be a cruise ship as well:
I met Ketsia (the female lead singer) this morning in the buffet restaurant.  Very nice person.  It was early morning (about 6a), so too early to take a pic, but I’ll ask her on one of the future days to get a pic of her (and James) so that you can meet them a little more clearly.  Ken and I ran into both Ketsia and James later in the day on the stairs.  Very nice people.  They are both on for the entire world cruise.
I got second place again in ping pong.  This time I lost to Dave in the finals.  So now I have four silver medals.  I’m the perennial runner up.
Internet has been down most of the day today.  I have yesterday’s blog entry sitting in my outbox ready to send, just no Internet connection.  The story hasn’t changed much day-to-day (“We are waiting to change our course soon and hope that we will have a satellite signal then…”).  Same thing yesterday.  Oh well, just have to learn to hang loose more.
Trivia was tough today.  There were several questions that no one in the room was able to answer.  What commonly used item made out of plastic first came into use in 1952?  Credit cards (we put sandwich bags).  What did the American Technology Institute say there would number 150 million in the USA as of 2000 (obviously a very old question, BTW).  Automobiles (we said personal computers—we were swayed by “Technology” and so was everyone else in the room, the only other answer given was cell phones).
Krissie came with me to afternoon trivia to play Scrabble with Bernie (Rosemary plays on our trivia team).  They had a really close game of Scrabble and Bernie said “Finally, I have found a worthy opponent.”  Bernie won 314-286.
On our way to the show tonight, we ran into Ketsia, this time dressed to the nines.  I asked if I could take her pic now and she said yes, so here is a pic of her and Krissie:
The Princess Choir performed tonight for the entertainment in the Cabaret Lounge:
The choir practices every day at noon in Pacific Lounge (right after we finish morning trivia) under the direction of David Crathorne (David is seated at the piano.  David has quite a following onboard, we call them the “David Groupies.”  He does a really nice job of pulling together people of diverse talents into a cohesive group and within 2 weeks they are putting on a show.  Wow!
We knew several people in the choir.  I might be missing a few, but here are some of those that I was able to pick out in the crowd:
Rick Alpi, Chuck Weinberger, Lorraine Gutowicz.  Can you tell that Chuck is bass?
Joan and Ken Isman.  Ken was the guy playing guitar by the pool in one of my recent blog postings.
So the Internet issue has hopefully been finally resolved.  Tomorrow (Friday) is a sea day, then we are in San Diego on Saturday.


  1. I am curious what 'types' of songs the choir is singing for entertainment? Lovely sunrise pics!

  2. I love both of your sunrise pics, Brian. Krissie's for the obvious flow of the water which is gorgeous, and yours for the clouds and sun!
